Role of the Media in Mitigating the Philippine Population Problem Political Essay

The role of religion in Philippine politics and governance is influential. The power of the Catholic Church continues to exist, despite the separation between church and state. Religious expressions of support influence and mobilize voters. This reflects the lack of government and political support for the indigenous community. Land insecurity is exacerbated when this problem is accompanied by weak and inadequate technical capacity. Digital media research organization WeAreSocial pegged the Philippine internet penetration rate from the total population, regardless of age. This essay also argues that recent scholarship on disinformation and fake news suffers from a lack of historical contextualization. The failure of disinformation scholarship by and large to engage with the history of propaganda and how propaganda has been studied by media and communications researchers is an empirical, Philippine Politics and Governance: Challenges to Democratization and Development, both published in Quezon. City, Philippines by the Department of Political Science, University of the. Ginsburg, 1991 recognizes the “theoretical and empirical significance” of Indigenous media studies in expanding discourse on the politics and poetics of representation. It also provides an opportunity to examine media products within the context of countries and states categorized as Third or Fourth World.

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