On the plan of salvation through Jesus Christ Religion essay

In the Old Testament, the concept of redemption is rooted in the deliverance of Israel from Egypt in the book of Exodus. The New Testament reveals the source: God has provided our salvation through Jesus Christ. All we have to do is receive it, by faith, and trust completely in Jesus alone as Savior. That is God's plan of salvation. At its core, the plan of salvation is about redemption and grace—how we can be forgiven of our sins and gain eternal life through Jesus Christ. The concept, questions such as “Where do we come from,” “Why are we here,” and “Where are we going” are answered in what the scriptures call the “plan of salvation.” The following seven principles form the basis of the plan of salvation: God loves the whole world and wants to have a personal relationship with every person. Although God loves everyone, He is a just and holy God. Because of sin, all are condemned to eternal separation from God in hell. Believe that Jesus Christ died for your salvation. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus. 1 5. To bridge the spiritual gap, work through the Gospel of Luke using successive expository sermons. 67 sermon fell on the fourth Sunday of Advent. Sermon: “Christ of Salvation” 67- sermon for Pastor John Bright - Harmony amp Swansonville UMC “his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit. Download or listen to sermons by Alistair Begg about salvation in Jesus Christ. The Hinge of Salvation 21-31 Listen, download MP3. The Reformation marked the rediscovery of the apostolic gospel by a troubled monk, Martin Luther, who sought peace with God. In this Reformation Day message, Alistair,

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