The problem and possible treatments of tuberculosis Biology essay

Mycobacterium tuberculosis M. tb, the causative agent of tuberculosis, is a recalcitrant pathogen that is widespread throughout the world and latently infects approximately a quarter of the world's population. The asymptomatic, a biology essay is a type of academic paper that focuses on a particular topic of biology. It can discuss animal life, cycles in biology or a botanical topic. You will need to demonstrate your critical thinking. Another first-line antibiotic: This is the primary approach for monoresistant tuberculosis. Second-line treatment: This approach involves injecting antibiotics, such as amikacin, capreomycin and . Mycobacterium tuberculosis, M. tb, the causative agent of tuberculosis, is a recalcitrant pathogen that is widespread throughout the world and latently infects approximately a quarter of the world's population. The asymptomatic status of the dormant bacterium escalates to the transmissible, active form when the host's immune system becomes weakened. HISTORY OF DR-TB COUNSELING. The treatment of DR-TB has evolved over the decades with notable continued improvements. The treatment of MDR-TB was formally approved, with a recommendation to use standardized or individualized injection-based long courses. The first was called an Introduction. Tuberculosis and tuberculosis continue to pose a major threat to global health, and research is an important part of the Global Plan to End Tuberculosis 2011-2015. Research is especially critical to developing new tools and approaches needed to eradicate tuberculosis. Recognizing this, the Stop TB Partnership and World Health, Introduction. Tuberculosis, tuberculosis, is a leading cause of death because it is an infectious disease that causes more than a million deaths every year. The causative agent of tuberculosis, an acid-fast bacillus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mtb, was first identified by Robert Koch. However, it was not until the 1990s that the first effective antimicrobial resistance AMR occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites no longer respond to antimicrobial drugs. Due to drug resistance, antibiotics and other antimicrobial drugs become ineffective and infections become difficult or impossible to treat, increasing the risk of spreading disease and serious illness,

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