History and development of the exposition essay

Tip 2: Research the topic thoroughly. Regardless of what type of expository essay your students are working on, they should approach the research phase of the writing process with dedication and focus. What is an explanatory text? An explanatory text is a text that is intended to teach something or provide information to the reader. That is why it is a non-fiction text. It's not made up. Expository essay structure: useful tips. Make the introduction to your expository essay short and sweet. Start with a focus statement that will grab your reader's attention and make him or her want to continue reading. Then, provide an overview of your topic and indicate the direction the rest of your essay will take.Written by. Jennifer Lockman. The word expository takes its origins from the Latin term expositio, a combination of two key components: ex meaning out or of, and positio meaning position or placement. Combined, expositio literally means the act of placing or explaining something from a concept.

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