Grid Computing Security Challenge Information Technology Essay

Grid computing is a next-generation computing technology with a focus on. combining several weak and smaller networks to create strong processing power. storage, 1. Introduction. The deployment of smart grids SGs have improved the intelligence of the interoperation of the grid system by providing multi-directional information flows between two or more units in the system to achieve a revolutionary energy industry, thereby providing adequate data from measurement to substations, distributions, transmission Information security is generally the process of protecting the availability, privacy and integrity of information. Business entities and individuals are based on information stored in a computer database. Such information may include personal personnel data, marketing and sales information, customer lists, accounts receivable lists, salaries and bank details. The data exchanged between the smart networks is sensitive and has a high volume. The attacks are extremely subtle as they traverse the environment intercepting, manipulating and collecting the data along the way. The chapter reveals in detail the concept of smart grid and how the challenges and safety issues are addressed by the smart grid. The U.S. electric grid is actually made up of three interconnected transmission grids covering the contiguous United States, as well as parts of Canada and Mexico. It is roughly divided into the western states, Texas, and the eastern US and the Midwest. These three interconnections operate independently of each other to supply electricity to their regions. As organizations strive to overcome data security challenges, security risk in information technology is continually increasing (National Academics Press, 2012). Therefore, risk mitigation strategies must also continuously evolve to face the emerging threats. The blockchain has a number of important features, which make it an applicable technology for smart grid standards to solve the security and trust challenges. This study will provide a rigorous overview of blockchain implementations with the perception of cybersecurity and the protection of energy data in smart grids. Recent. Progress in cybersecurity for smart grids has been concentrated. on improving the resilience of these systems against cyber threats, and this progress is likely to continue in the coming years. The most recent overview articles on smart grid attacks include: 2, which provides a comprehensive overview of security requirements, attack types, countermeasures, and research challenges. Furthermore, the smart grid's dependence on IT systems and networks exposes the grid to potential and known cybersecurity vulnerabilities, which can be exploited by attackers. As GAO reported, securing smart grid systems and networks presented a number of significant challenges that required government and industry attention. To defend against these development methods, cybersecurity professionals must adapt to all current and emerging threats. Current cybersecurity challenges include: Vulnerabilities in cloud computing. AI-enhanced cyber threats. Obstacles to machine learning.

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