The Effects of Counterfeit Goods Marketing Essay

Resume. Despite spending a fortune on legal fees and distribution controls, luxury goods companies struggle to combat counterfeiting. But the success of counterfeiting is rooted in strategy. Based on their findings, international trade in counterfeit and pirated products could have been as much as estimated. 3 of world trade - up from 5 of world trade. What's so important about the growth of these numbers is that it occurred during a family member's time. This methodology can be used in the future to refine the assessment as the quality and quantity of data improve. The research also provides an analysis of the market for counterfeit and pirated goods and the implications for various stakeholders, ranging from intellectual property rights owners to consumers and governments. Counterfeit goods have negative effects on the economy of a country, affecting its development. There is a wide range of counterfeit goods, including clothing, shoes and handbags. Such products are illegal because they confuse customers. Sellers of such goods infringe the trademark or copyright of the brand owner. Negative consumer motives emerge as important predictors of intention to purchase counterfeit goods, Nwankwo et al. 2014, Wilcox et al. 2008, and they represent a community consensus.

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