A child with autism is stressful for parents essay

The most stressful factor that parents with autistic children have experienced is the limited acceptance of autistic behavior by members of society and the inability to receive social support. The lack of such support increases parents' stress levels. Mindfulness-based interventions were found to be helpful in reducing parents' stress levels. Raising a child with an autism spectrum disorder is very important. A parent's ability to cope with the stressors associated with raising a child with ASD is critical to the child's overall growth and development. Daily challenges of raising children with autism spectrum disorder ASD can be more stressful and challenging than raising children with typical development, especially in the areas of Objectives: Parents of children with autism spectrum disorder ASD report high levels of stress that significant children and families can disrupt treatments. Parents of children with ASD score higher on stress levels than other groups of parents. The daily challenges of child care are endless and impact everyone. Raising a child with autism spectrum disorder ASD is often associated with reduced quality of life, high stress, depression and anxiety due to the persistent, in summary, the identified studies show that although the initial experiences of raising an autistic child can be stressful and were unpredictable, the positive rewards and outcomes when they tried have implications for parents' social and emotional health and well-being. The following article states: Parents caring for children with autism spectrum disorder ASD often report increased levels of stress, depression and anxiety. Unmet parental mental health needs pose a significant risk to the psychological, physical, and social well-being of the parents of the child with ASD and compromise the parents' adaptive functioning. In 2022, problem-oriented coping will reduce stress and improve quality of life in parents of children with ASD. Furthermore, Munroe et al. 2022, found that. However, disciplining your autistic child is not an easy task and requires a lot of patience. Implementing discipline strategies can be challenging and often requires parents to enforce consequences for negative behavior. When you discipline a child with autism, this challenge is somewhat magnified. Autism spectrum disorder is a condition related to brain development that affects how a person perceives and interacts with others, causing problems in social interaction and communication. The disorder also involves restricted and repetitive behavior patterns. The term spectrum in autism spectrum disorder refers to the wide range of.

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