Case Studies of Digital Participatory Budgeting Political Essay

This systematic literature review analyzes the body of knowledge about the budgeting practice known as participatory budgeting PB. A series of studies show that participatory budgeting PB is an effective tool for promoting participation and achieving strategic advantage. Shybalkina, 2022, Improving Budget Equality Hong amp Cho, 2018, The practice of participatory budgeting has been around for years. and there are thousands of case studies from all over the world, Oh et al. 2019, In ​​this paper we explore ways to create and strengthen e-democracy at the local government level through e-participatory budgeting projects. For interested policy makers and practitioners, the book presents the basic principles of participatory budgeting. It provides a regional overview of such practices: Participatory budgeting: the case for involving citizens in local government decision-making. Authors: Amizan Omar. Uthayasankar Sivarajah. Digital participatory budgeting platforms are examples of citizen technologies designed to support citizens in making proposals and allocating budgets; The analysis of these case studies shows that the carefully designed interplay between offline and online locations is necessary to make participation as inclusive as any democratic process requires. On the one hand, the online dimension overcomes the barriers to face-to-face meetings typical of the traditional underrated PBan. The case studies are based on interviews with local experts and a literature review. The four cases that follow have been selected to show the bright spots in the expansion of democracy after elections worldwide. While there are many more examples of successful participatory democracy initiatives, these were chosen because participatory budgeting has been adopted and adapted by governments around the world. The existing literature points to a variety of desired outcomes from these efforts, but does not clearly distinguish between the consequences for individuals, groups, and society. This study uses the case of the Philippines to examine differences in impact. Community participation in the government budget process provides opportunities for broader and deeper public participation. This article uses a systematic literature review method with a meta-synthetic approach that aims to investigate the practice of participatory budgeting PB in Indonesia by comparing early-stage PB programs. The research object is presented through a case study of participatory budgeting PB, an applied form of crowdsourcing, regarding green spaces in the Scottish city of Glasgow. Participatory budgeting PB is the process of involving ordinary, unelected citizens in the allocation of public resources, a governance tool promoted by authorities for citizen participation in argumentation and deliberation processes. Participatory budgeting has been widely accepted and has generated significant research efforts. However, there is a lack of mechanisms for PB that trigger project interactions, such as.

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