Technology for Effective Financial Inclusion Information Technology Essay

The common definition of 'financial inclusion' by the World Bank Group, development organizations, think tanks and governments emphasizes 'access to useful and affordable financial products and services'. However, argue that financial inclusion is the result of a strategic mission shift where the strategy through: The results showed that financial literacy, financial technology and financial inclusion influenced the performance of MSMEs in Medan City, and that financial inclusion did not mediate the effects of . That's why technology has the power to create a more sustainable and inclusive future. While the importance of technology cannot be overstated, it is essential to consider its implications and potential downsides. Technology has the power to shape our lives and our society, but it can also be a double-edged sword. This study aims to explore the global perspective on the relationship between financial inclusion and environmental degradation, taking into account the potential moderating role of information and communication technology ICT. The research uses panel data from countries covering the period. More convenient forms of banking, such as mobile banking, promise better access to finance and financial inclusion for poorer households. The convergence of finance and technology, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, creates opportunities, but also risks. The special issue on 'Financial inclusion and fintech' provides empirical insight. Fintech is used to describe the delivery of financial services through information and communications technologies ALHASSAN amp Yengeni, 2022. Technology has grown rapidly on the African continent, revolutionizing many different industries and making it easier for more people to access to the services they need There are numerous national and international review literatures in the areas of IoT, digital finance and financial inclusion. Information and communications technology is recognized as a key factor in promoting economic success12,13,14,15,16. In previous literature studies, the effect of smartphones on economic growth has been explained as follows: Financial inclusion has been presented in some global policy documents, for example the Universal Financial, as a tool that can potentially reduce socio-economic disadvantage around the world. Financial inclusion of economically challenged households will enable them to accumulate human capital as FINTECH has the potential to reshape the landscape of financial services and financial inclusion in India. FINTECH is paving the way for successful financial inclusion in the country by reducing expenses. The aim of this research is to explore the potential of financial technology FinTech to promote financial inclusion. This study focused on understanding why people use FinTech and how it affects their access to financial services, by considering the mediating role of digital financial literacy and the moderating effect of. According to the World Bank, DFS are “financial services that rely on digital technologies for their delivery and use by consumers.” services, such as payments, money transfers and credit, are provided digitally by a variety of service providers, including fintechs, big techs, mobile network operators, banks, microfinance institutions. This innovative case study speaks directly to promoting “financial inclusion for women and,

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