Women and the Experience of Mental Illness: Essay

Discourses about mental health and illness delve deeper into the meaning of gender differences. Several studies report that women are more likely to have mental health conditions. Why is women's mental health important. Some mental disorders are more common in women than men, including depression, anxiety and eating disorders. Women with severe mental illness SMI occupy a social position in which their experiences are simultaneously influenced by stigmatization, institutionalization and, for women with mental illness, motherhood can be a normalizing life experience, creating roles and meaning for women who prefer the aversive responses define that members of the general population have towards people with mental illness is known as public stigma and can be understood in terms of: Although mental disorders occur in every culture worldwide, the lived experience, the expression of associated distress and the interpretation as evidence of deviation from acceptable norms influenced by social and cultural context Kirmayer, 2001. Therefore, the context of experiences with mental illness should be an important consideration. Across the country, women are diagnosed with mental health conditions such as: depression, PTSD, and anxiety APA, 2017. Women have a higher rate of mental disability compared to men, with the following examples: Anxiety disorders - Panic disorders - PTSD - Women with SMI experience the stigma of mental illness and its negative effects, including victimization. There has been a large amount of sociological research on the stigma of mental illness, and stigma is critical to understanding women's experiences with SMI. What is mental illness? Mental illness is a medical condition characterized by the disruption of an individual's emotional, cognitive, or behavioral functioning. National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2011. The main influences on the development of the condition are discussed below. We will write a custom essay on your topic. Introduction. Social determinants frameworks focus on understanding how the conditions in which people live and work shape their health outcomes. These conditions, i.e. social determinants, are believed to cause many deep-seated healthcare inequities in the world, such as lower life expectancy, higher infant mortality rates and, There are compelling reasons to distinguish between the stigma experiences of men's mental illness and to describe the gender dimensions of men's mental illness stigma. Chatmon, 2020. Globally, men are more than twice as likely to die by suicide than women (WHO, 2021). higher suicide rates, men have lower, Introduction. Research consistently shows that individuals with mental illness are subject to stigma and are treated or viewed less favorably than others because of their mental health problems. Gaebel et al. 2017. The harmful effects of stigmatization are far-reaching and impact access to education, employment, housing, social support and Background. There is a strong stigma attached to mental disorders, which prevents those affected from receiving psychological help. The consequences of stigmatization are worse for racial and/or ethnic minorities than for racial and/or ethnic majorities, because the former often face other social adversities, such as poverty and discrimination.,

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