A report on the history of the Marco Polo Bridge

Both Marco Polo and Zheng He were excellent world navigators in their time. However, Zheng He's journeys and travels were much better and more important because they had a much more profound impact on the world. His expeditions caused much more prominent changes in China, directly and indirectly, than those of Marco Polo. Essay example: In the annals of history, one figure stands out as a symbol of cross-cultural exploration and exchange: Marco Polo. Often billed as a Venetian merchant and explorer, Polo's journey to the East in the century is much more than just an expedition. It's a fascinating story1. Point. Every essay at the secondary level must have points. Two points that support your position, and one counterpoint. The opposite point is necessary so that your essay is not considered biased. When writing a point, be direct and precise. Always provide a reason and a perspective. Marco Polo in the Renaissance. Marco Polo, born in Venice, is today a well-known figure of pre-Renaissance travel, and for his pioneering voyages to lands never before traveled by Europeans. He was an Italian traveler and author and spent most of his life traveling and exploring. His father Nicola and uncle Miffy, both. Marco Polo Venetian trader and adventurer Marco Polo was an exceptionally astute observer as he traveled the caravan routes to China, Tibet and India, returning by sea more than twenty years later, with stories of lands that few people in Europe had ever seen before. His brother and uncle had traveled there in 1965, then Marco Polo. Extract from the book of Ser Marco Polo the Venetian on the kingdoms and wonders of the East. Now that it has been published, I repeat that everything connected with this city is carried on on so large a scale, and that the annual income of the Grote Kaan from it is so immense, that it is not even easy to put it in writing, and it · A book that retells and analyzes the famous journey to China at the end of the 13th century, made by Marco Polo, together with father Niccolo and uncle Maffeo. The trio traveled through Asia to China for years and traveled through the vast kingdom on behalf of Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan. Exploring the World with Marco Polo: Venetian Adventurer of the Middle Ages - Essay Sample Free Essay Sample ProEssays.net.Make it shine. An A-level essay requires planning and revision, but it is achievable. First, avoid procrastination and start early. Second, give yourself plenty of time to brainstorm, sketch, research, and write. Finally, follow these five tips to make your history essay shine: Write a substantial introduction.

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