The development of moral norms through the various processes involved in the formation of law essay

Kohlberg's theory suggests that there are six stages of moral development that can be broken down into three different levels. Moral reasoning, Kohlberg believed, is that the three stages are: 1 Physical survival, selfishness and obedience, 2 Love needs, reciprocal altruism and instrumental purpose and 3 Belonging. The handbook provides a comprehensive, international and current overview of research on moral development, including moral motives and behavior. Overall, this systematic review summarizes the findings from various studies and articles and provides a definitive conclusion. First, moral sense is innate. Second, moral development is significantly enhanced by social interactions and exposure to constructive and interactive environmental factors. Law and morality are two systems that determine how people behave. The law is a set of rules and regulations that all people are required to adhere to. Morals, on the other hand, refer to general principles or standards of behavior that govern human behavior in society, but are not obligatory to be adhered to. First, the author discusses the conditions for the development of moral values, including precursors to self-construction. The internalization process of moral values ​​reveals the importance of self-regulation capabilities and the motivational dynamics of moral values. Second, the emphasis is on the development of moral values ​​in diverse cultural contexts. This article focuses on crises of ethics and values, and ways of inculcating values ​​as a process of moral education in life through education and continued practice. Discover the world

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