Industrial relations focuses mainly on the essay on regulation, control and governance

Industrial relations, which primarily concern the interactions between management and union officials, covers a narrower range of employment relations than employee relations. Conflict resolution, employee empowerment, employee compensation, and employee voice are some of the commonly used employee relations tools. Ideally, your internal corporate governance mechanisms will maintain your organization's larger internal control fabric: the policies, procedures, and technical safeguards that protect your organization's interests. assets by preventing mistakes and inappropriate actions. In a similar way to the external audits used by regulatory authorities to determine. As the major concerns regarding both self-regulation and government initiatives sparked the debate on AI governance through ethical principles, a set of core topics were included in each of these principles: privacy, accountability, safety and security, transparency and explainability, fairness and not -liability. -discrimination, human control over labor relations: changing. Trends in theory and policy. and practice. Peter Sheldon, Greg J. Bamber, Christopher. Land-Kazlauskas and Thomas A. Kochan. INTRODUCTION. The pioneers of the. The desire of both management and employees to exercise control is an inherent feature of the employment relationship. This power struggle for control determines the type of employment relationship that emerges, as well as the balance of obligations and expectations that are negotiated and maintained. the psychological, abstract. This study examined the practice of industrial relations in Nigeria under the military regime era. and the era of civil government and made a comparison between the eras to determine the.

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