Agitated Thin Film Liquid System for Efficient Micropropagation Biology Essay

In micropropagation, a small portion of plant tissue, for example from the apical region or the flower or leaves of the plant, etc. can be used to grow many plants. After tissue preparation, the first step in micropropagation is called tissue culture, where the small tissue is placed in the form of a plate with appropriate medium. The temporary immersion systems, TISs, are widely used in plant biotechnology. TISs have several advantages in micropropagation and secondary metabolite production over other continuous liquid-phase bioreactors. The present work presents the structure, mode of action, configuration type, and micropropagation with conventional techniques is usually a labor-intensive, time-consuming way of clonal propagation. To overcome this is the use of shaking cultures using liquid culture medium. The thin-film liquid system outperformed the agar culture for most of the reactions measured. Some exceptions were the relative dry weights at higher explant densities and multiplication rates of Colocasia. Adelberg JW 2006 Agitated liquid media thin films for efficient micropropagation. In: Dutta Gupta S, Ibaraki Y eds Plant Tissue Culture Engineering, Springer, Netherlands, -117 In Vitex trifolia L., a medicinally important plant belonging to the family Verbenaceae, a rapid and efficient plant propagation system using shoot tip explants was established . Multiple shoots were directly induced on Murashige and Skoog MS medium consisting of different cytokinins, 6-benzyladenine BA, kinetin Kin-isopentenyl, establishing an efficient micropropagation system in anthurium hybrids through in vitro callogenesis. Subsequent regeneration of the plantlets in a liquid system medium. L. The process of micropropagation, also called tissue culture, is the main mechanism for cloning a plant. Small samples are cut from an adult plant. These small explants can be sterilized in dilute bleach to kill surface bacteria and fungi, and then grown in a suitable culture medium. The explants divide by mitosis and grow, but the chemicals. An efficient protocol for in vitro propagation of the valuable medicinal plant Wasabia japonica Miq. Matsumura is described by shoot tip proliferation and direct regeneration via semisolid and liquid culture media. SummaryAn efficient protocol for in vitro propagation of the valuable medicinal plant Wasabia japonica Miq. Matsumura,

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