Batch phytoremediation of aquaculture wastewater biology essay

Numerous conventional wastewater treatments are currently used, but most of them are ineffective because complete elimination of the contaminants is impossible. In this context, phytoremediation and phycoremediation of wastewater come into the picture. Phytoremediation is considered a cost-effective and environmentally friendly technology and has been successfully used for the remediation of soils and water contaminated with various contaminants. However, there is an intensification of shrimp aquaculture. with unintended consequences such as wastewater management and other problems arising from the environmental impacts of the wastewater. The phytoremediation technique uses plants for the remediation of wastewater. Phytoremediation is efficient in improving ecological water quality Hendra et al. 2017, removal of metals Fawzy et al. 2012, xenobiotics Del Buono et al. 2020 and herbicides Mimmo et al. 2015, as shown in. 1. Plants help Small aquatic plants from the Lemnaceae family, commonly known as duckweed, are often considered harmful to the environment due to their ability to quickly populate and cover the surfaces of water bodies. Due to their rapid vegetative reproduction, duckweeds have one of the fastest growth rates among flowering plants. Raw wastewater and treated wastewater from the constructed wetland CW were sampled and the physicochemical parameters determined. The performance of the CW in the treatment of aquaculture wastewater was carried out. The result showed that the CBCW was capable of: TSS, 88 COD, 93 nitrate. Phytoremediation is a promising green technology for the remediation of various industrial wastewater flows. In particular, aquatic plants are widely used to remove dyes and toxic metals from polluted environments. In the present study, the phytoremediation potential of aquatic macrophytes such as Pistia stratiotes L, Salvinia adnata Desv and BACKGROUND is investigated. In this study, five microalgae species Chlorella vulgaris, Chlorococcum sp. GD, Parachlorella kessleri TY, Scenedesmus quadricauda and Scenedesmus obliquus were batch-cultured to evaluate their respective potential for treating real aquaculture wastewater from a fishery. The potential for recovering valuable material from wastewater, including aquaculture wastewater from industries, is then discussed. This article summarizes various valuable materials that can be recovered from wastewater to achieve cleaner production in industrial processes and discusses the challenges and prospects in recovering valuable materials. Arthrospira Spirulina is a little-explored genus as a phytoremediation agent for aquaculture wastewater, which is one of the biomass produced in the world known for its high. To improve water quality in shrimp aquaculture operated under low-salt conditions, a sequencing batch reactor SBR was tested for wastewater treatment. To improve water quality in shrimp aquaculture, a sequencing batch reactor SBR was tested for the treatment of shrimp wastewater. An SBR is a variant of the biological treatment process of activated sludge. This process uses multiple steps in the same tank to take the place of multiple tanks in a conventional treatment system; This study investigates and compares the capacity of three microalgal species Tetraselmis suecica, Isochrysis galbana and Dunaliella tertiolecta, in the bioremediation of mullet Mugil cephalus wastewater. The experiment was conducted in batches for days using fully mixed,

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