Cause and Effects of Acid Rain Environmental Science Essay

Adverse environmental effects, such as soil acidification and acid rain, appear to be linked to sulfur dioxide emissions. Pipe. Lead is a heavy metal used in various industrial facilities and is emitted from certain gasoline engines, batteries, radiators, waste incinerators and wastewater. According to US progress report EPA 2013, The consequences of major global developments. environmental problems such as acid. rain, acid deposition, depletion of the ozone layer. low and health and. Acid rain and sedimentation result from nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides from anthropogenic and natural sources in the atmosphere. Nitrogen oxides that cause acid deposition come from motor vehicles and coal-fired power plants. Sulfur dioxides that cause acid deposition come from coal-fired power plants. Mainly acid deposition. The first known articles on acid rain appeared when air pollution reached high levels in England's industrial cities. Research was conducted to identify and interpret previous documentation, mainly written or printed in Italy, that could shed new light on both environmental history and its relationship to the present. There are four main types of pollution: air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution. and soil or land contamination. In addition, pollution contributes to global problems including acid rain, global warming and the effects of greenhouse gases. An increase in the average surface temperature of the planet is called and causes global warming.

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