Robert Lowell and his confessional poetry English literature essay

Like Chaucer, the poet must add an element of entertainment in his poetry. A poet is a real artist and he must use his mental vision. He must have a good imagination and knowledge of poetic techniques. Confessional poetry is not a mere copy of the incidents, but a creative work that requires self-confidence and strong literary analysis. Our computational approaches to linking pronoun use to literary interpretations unfold in the following ways. First, we traced the grammatical patterns that show that the personal pronouns were related to the words from the sentiment lexicons in Pennebaker et al. Its leading practitioners, Robert Lowell, Anne Sexton, WD Snodgrass, and John Berryman, all hold top honors in the literature, including the Pulitzer Prize and the. She took Robert Lowell's lessons and began writing poetry under his influence. That is why she is called a confessional poet. About the development of confessional poetry, a well-known critic says: “With the publication of Robert Lowell's immensely influential Life Studies, critics and reviewers were looking for a happy.

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