Overview of Beethoven and Mozart Music Essay

Beethoven's deafness marked a turning point in his music. He delved into a world of innovation and pushed the boundaries of traditional composition. Unable to rely on his hearing to perceive sounds, he explored the vibrations and felt the resonance of his piano to compose. This tactile experience allowed him to sense the nuances of music. Franz Schube rt 1797-1828 - like Beethoven, a link between the classical and romantic periods. The Classical Period is sometimes called the Age of Viennese Classicism because Gluck, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert all worked in Vienna at different times. Resume. That concludes our guide to the classical era. The effect that Mozart has had on Western classical music is such that psychology has placed great importance on the concept that if someone listens to Mozart it would increase their IQ. . This theory has certainly been tested in terms of how babies' brains develop, and many parents dream of raising a child so smart..

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