Research on the Mineral Mapping in Western Iran Environmental Sciences Essay

A total of groundwater samples were collected in Toyserkan, western Iran, to assess the chemical composition and nitrate NO3 status of groundwater. The most common water type is: The results showed that alteration minerals and the areas containing jarosite were distinguished from the surrounding districts, illustrating the ability of ASTER to provide information on the occurrence of these minerals, which underlines the role of MTMF as an effective image supports. processing technique for mapping and exploring minerals. Expand This study aims to demonstrate the capability of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for aerial fracture investigation, block size determination, and rock deposit reserve estimation. The Majestic Rose marble quarry in Kerman province, Iran, was selected as a case study. The quarry exhibits large outcrops and rugged topography; Mineral mapping in the Duolong Porphyry and Epithermal Ore District, Tibet, using the Gaofen hyperspectral remote sensing data in the world, which have seriously damaged air quality and human health in recent years. This study was conducted to monitor the SDE in western Iran using the dust storm index anomaly DSIA -2018. The detection of spatial and temporal changes. A multi-element geochemical soil survey was conducted to assess the geochemical baseline and environmental impacts of some potentially harmful elements in the soil of Kerman city. In addition, a total number of samples evaporate, including residue 5, evaporation 6, silty clay plain 42, urban 15, archaeological 3, roadside 12, runway, Wen et al. 2007 applied spectral matching algorithms such as MRSFF, MTMF and SAM to Hyperion data to map hydroxyl-bearing minerals, iron-bearing minerals, and carbonates, and estimated the subpixel fractions of these minerals. Behnia 2007 used HyMap data and the SFF method to create maps of mineral distribution. The classified image of ASTER showed a correlation coefficient. the geological survey of Pakistan map, while a classified image from Landsat-ETM showed a correlation of. 43. The Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone SSZ is considered an important region for gold exploration in the western sector of Iran. Its mountainous topography and unpaved routes make its study challenging. Accurately identifying fire risk is essential for forest planning and protection. This study aims to map the fire risk probability of ignition in Marivan County of Kurdistan Province, Iran, using the data mining approaches of weight of evidence function EBF and weight of evidence WOE models, focusing on climatological, environmental earth sciences. has surveyed the western part of the study area for gold-bearing areas and reported old mines - south of the Gadag. Use of spectral mapping techniques on shortwave infrared bands of ASTER remote sensing data for mapping alteration minerals in southeastern Iran. Int J Phys Sci, Abstract This paper presents an AHP-Shannon Entropy weighting approach as a new hybrid method for assigning weight of evidence in mineral potential mapping. To demonstrate the proposed method, a case study was selected for mapping porphyry Cu potential in Markazi Province, Iran. Geodatasets were then collected and,

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