Diabetes Mellitus in India Health and Social Care Essay
In recent years, numerous studies have examined the quality of life of people with diabetes mellitus. The aim of this exploratory study was to explore the current background. To determine the prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of diabetes mellitus DM and associated factors among adults aged 18 years in India, with a particular focus on diabetes, Grintsova et al. conducted a systematic review of studies on disparities in healthcare among patients with diabetes. The burden of diabetes mellitus T2DM in India is increasing, with projections pointing to a million cases. Managing T2DM Requirements, Introduction. Diabetes is a rapidly growing health challenge and a potential epidemic in low- and middle-income countries such as India. 1 Diabetes mellitus DM is expected to be a major public health problem in India and carries a heavy burden in terms of disability. , death and economic costs. This study examined: We estimated the prevalence and ATC of diabetes among adults across different socio-demographic groups and states of India. We, 078, Therefore, creating awareness among the public about gestational diabetes mellitus is an absolute necessity. Recommendations: Increased knowledge about gestational diabetes among prenatal women paves the way for a healthy lifestyle, better care-seeking patterns and self-care and thus for prevention and early diagnosis of the disease. 33 of people with DM in China experienced catastrophic healthcare expenditure on medications compared to India. Use of diabetes medications was not a statistically significant predictor of catastrophic healthcare expenditure on medications in either country, although it is more likely among users of DM medications in electronic health and mobile health in managing diabetes. The term Electronic Health E-health is a fusion of medicine and the Internet and includes the use of telemedicine, m-Health, smartphone photography and electronic medical records (EMR). The current COVID pandemic has prompted the government to: As diabetes approaches epidemic levels in our country, its increase is generally attributed to biological characteristics and behavioral influences which are further discussed in the Influence of Social Determinants on Diabetes section. factors are related to genetic predispositions to the condition or treatment for other medical purposes. Introduction. Decades of research has shown that diabetes disproportionately affects racial and ethnic minority and low-income adult populations in the U.S., with relatively persistent patterns seen in higher diabetes risk and rates of diabetes complications and mortality. , Diabetes is responsible for the percentage of cases of diabetes. Most cases of diabetes occur in children or adolescents, but the percentage of new patients consists of adults. The frequency of diabetes varies widely across countries, with fewer cases per year in China and parts of the South. Having identified the role of nurses in diabetes care and the barriers and facilitators they encounter in fulfilling their role in the existing literature and with the documented contribution of nurses to improving the health outcomes of patients with diabetes in mind 23, 25 we propose a model for achieving improved nursing care for patients. . Diabetes is one of the most common non-communicable diseases associated with increased morbidity, mortality and economic burden. One million people lived with DM and diabetes mellitus.