The Dangers of Passive Smoking Health Essay

Minutes, your heart rate and blood pressure drop. the carbon monoxide level in your blood falls to normal. 2 - your circulation improves and your lung function increases. 1 - reduce coughing and shortness of breath. your risk of coronary heart disease is about half that of a smoker. One of the major consequences of smoking in public places is that it causes a higher risk of cancer, emphysema, heart disease and other acute and chronic diseases. Cigarette smoking is known to increase platelet aggregation or blood clotting. It also damages the endolithium, a layer of cells in the blood vessels. A link has also been described between passive smoking and lung cancer. In a study conducted in collaboration with the International Agency for Research on Cancer, exposure to environmental tobacco smoke during childhood was strongly associated with an increased incidence of lung cancer OR, 3.9, 95 9-8.2. In various conclusions, Introduction. More and more people become addicted to smoking every year. However, few of them are aware of the health damage that all smokers can face in the long term. Smoking causes incurable diseases such as cancer, diabetes, asthma or blindness. That is why many people today are replacing tobacco cigarettes, Introduction. Environmental tobacco smoke is a common source of indoor air pollution worldwide1,2 and inhaling it is known as passive smoking. Importantly, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has stated that passive smoking exposes people to the same carcinogens as active smoking, which is the leading cause. Good morning to everyone here. Today I am going to give a speech about “smoking is bad for your health”. I wish your cooperation during the entire time I am delivering my speech, and I also ask your forgiveness for any mistake she may have committed knowingly or unknowingly while delivering the speech. Smoking is bad for your health; Smoking, a habit often dismissed as a personal choice, is a dangerous addiction with far-reaching consequences. Despite its well-documented health risks, smoking remains a major public health problem. This essay examines the dangers of smoking, focusing on its impact on personal health and the environment. Objectives: To assess the effects of legal smoking bans on 1 the morbidity and mortality associated with exposure to passive smoking, and 2 the prevalence of smoking and tobacco consumption. Smoking is dangerous because it leads to health-related problems, including cardiovascular disease. According to Carr 22, one-third of all deaths in America are caused by coronary heart disease, and a percentage of these deaths are related to smoking. Smoking attacks the lungs and respiratory organs and causes such terrible, even among smokers who have quit, chronic lung disease is still a consequence of smoking-related conditions. 4. Smoking damages almost every organ in the body and is a leading cause of lung cancer and COPD. It is also a cause of coronary heart disease, stroke and many other cancers and diseases. 1See more of the health effects. Passive smoking, also known as passive smoking, involves inhaling smoke from other people's cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. This action is very bad for health in general. Particularly in children, negative effects include respiratory disease, asthma attacks and symptoms, lung disease, brain cancer, lymphoma, and diabetes. Objective: We aim to systematically summarize the available epidemiological evidence to identify the impact of environmental tobacco smoke on health. Methods: A systematic approach was conducted

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