Texting and driving essay

Persuasion against texting and driving. Texting and driving have become a pressing issue that poses serious risks to drivers, passengers and pedestrians alike. This persuasive essay aims to highlight the dangers of texting and driving and urge individuals to recognize the serious consequences and adopt responsible behavior behind the wheel. Effects of Texting and Driving Essay: Texting and driving is one of the most dangerous combinations that usually lead to accidents. It's more dangerous than drunk driving. If someone starts texting while driving, it becomes a life-threatening situation as they try to concentrate on two things at the same time while averting their eyes. Texting while driving causes distraction and increases the chance of being involved in car accidents. Such concerns have been raised by several government agencies. In an attempt to prevent such occurrences, new laws have been passed making the use of cell phones in cars illegal. However, not many people adhere to these laws. Most people text. For starters, Delgado says, "texting while driving" is an outdated term for talking about the problem. Distracted driving means anything that takes your attention away from the road, whether it's that Starbucks frappuccino you're trying to sip or arguing with your best friend over your Spotify playlist. Conversations. In conclusion, it has been found that hands-free texting while driving worsens drivers' attention and increases the risk of an accident. Countries with more traffic, such as India, banned the use of all electronic devices on the road, including hands-free devices, as they negatively affected the risk factor. Bartolacci amp Powell, 2013, p.. 181.

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