Hegemony of Masculinity and Femininity English Literature Essay

By foregrounding the regional, the essays in this collection ask us to consider how and when, in what context, certain instantiations of hegemonic masculinity cease to be hegemonic. At first glance this is Abstract. Raewyn Connell's theoretical concept of hegemonic masculinity has had a major influence on feminist sociology. Despite the rich literature inspired by her theory, conceptual ambiguities have compromised its full potential. In this article I criticize a pessimistic tendency in the interpretation and application of hegemonism. Hegemonic masculinity explains the link between gender roles and male dominance over women and other minority men, determining their position within social strata. Over the years, masculinity has been weighed as an amalgamation of these three qualities: strength, honor and action. The lack of these qualities contributes to R. W. Connell's seminal notion of multiple masculinities (Connell, 1995) and hegemonic masculinities (Connell, 1987, 1995) being included as central constructs in gender sociology. Although much empirical research and theory has been published that builds on and uses Connell's concepts, the etymology is: The term "hegemonic femininity" combines "hegemonic," derived from the Greek meaning leadership or dominance, with "femininity." ', rooted in the Latin word 'femina', which denotes the qualities associated with being a woman. This term originated in feminist and sociological discourse and describes the ruling or dominant. Of course, women have made equally decisive contributions to the subject from the beginning. For example, like Boone and Cadden, Claridge and Langland's 1990 Out of Bounds: Male Writers and Gender ed Criticism analyzed several male writers to explore the feminist bent of their works. Although most early literary studies are a historical rather than a biological fact, masculinity is a historical fact; constantly in process, constantly being. constituted in actions and relationships, constantly involved in historical change.” P. 30.

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