Assessment of elderly patients essay

1 Introduction. The aging of the population, especially the rapid growth of the population aged or older, has led to many global problems and has challenged healthcare professionals to assist older adults in maintaining optimal health status. This was particularly challenging because the number of elderly people with multiple health problems, Introduction. Recent advances in the treatment of diseases have led to an increase in human life expectancy and an increase in the number of elderly people with multiple chronic diseases. According to an official report from the World Health Organization (WHO), Iran's population was more than one percent of the total. , Background. Falls in older adults are fairly common and several falls are experienced each year. These falls can be serious and cause significant morbidity and mortality. These can also threaten the independence of older people and can be responsible for an individual's loss of independence. Holistic patient assessment is used in nursing to inform the nursing process and provide appropriate information. foundations of patient care. Through holistic assessment, therapeutic communication and the. These principles affirm: the human value of people with dementia, regardless of age or cognitive impairment, and their families and caregivers. the individuality of people with dementia, and how their personality and life experiences influence their response to dementia. the importance of the person's perspective.4.2. The concept of CGA. Assessment involves gathering information about a person's circumstances and needs and making sense of that information to assist in decision-making about what support, treatment and care is needed. This must be timely and comprehensive. The assessment of the elderly differs from standard medical assessment. Historically, status examination was the psychiatrist's version of the physical examination. Adolf Meyer developed an outline for a standardized method to evaluate the mental status of a patient in psychiatric practice. In modern medicine, the same examination is used for all specialties, depending on the comfort of the doctor: Essay: Assessment of a patient. 15 of Essaysauce. Essay details and download: Topic areas: Health essays Reading time: Price: Free download Published: 15, File format: Text Words: approximately 1,629 Number of pages: approximately 7 Text sample of this essay: The assessment of the elderly should cover the psychological domain of health, with the emphasis on the behavior and mind of the individual. The main health problems faced by the elderly are: The maximum number of elderly people suffer from cognitive impairment, and long-term illness caused by this condition has a significant negative impact on the normal life cycle of the patient. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct this specific study and evaluate the impact of the situation, especially on the elderly, to provide quality. number of elderly people undergoing elective and emergency surgeries. The impact of this has been explored in a number of reports, showing older patients attending surgical procedures. Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment CGA is the most extensively researched model for health care delivery to vulnerable older patients. A series of high-quality studies and subsequent meta-analyses have shown that it produces measurable health improvements for vulnerable older people. Although it is well understood through the multidisciplinary and holistic assessment of an older patient, healthcare providers may gain insight,

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