Vitamin D and its role in osteoporosis Biology essay

2. Osteoporosis and related nutrients. 2.1. Calcium, vitamin D and dairy products. Calcium and vitamin D are part of the bone mineral matrix as calcium phosphate hydroxyapatite crystals and are required. The most current existing evidence on the role of vitamin D in the development of fragility syndromes such as DP and OP is summarized and the potential benefits of VD supplementation as a simple and harmful weapon against aging are summarized. Osteoporosis OP and dermatoporosis DP are expressions of the role of vitamin D in skeletal growth and development, although their biological actions are mainly mediated via the steroid hormone 25-dihydroxyvitamin D 1,25 OH. Furthermore, vitamin D metabolites induce and influence biological responses through genomic and non-genomic mechanisms. Osteoporosis is a common disease, mainly defined by low measured bone density, which is associated with an increased risk of fragility fractures. Low calcium intake and vitamin D deficiency appear to be positively correlated with the prevalence of osteoporosis. Although not suitable for the diagnosis of osteoporosis, we examined the effects of small pharmacological doses of alfacalcidol, which do not cause hypercalcemia, to get an idea of ​​how active vitamin D drugs influence osteoclastic bone resorption in vivo. in ovariectomized OVX rats, Shiraishi et al. 2000. OVX rats are an established model for estrogen deficiency osteoporosis with: 1. Introduction. Osteoporosis is a degenerative systemic disease of the skeleton, characterized by a decrease in bone mass and an imbalance in the microarchitecture of bone tissue, causing increased bone fragility and, consequently, osteoporotic fractures. Currently, osteoporosis, with an increase in life expectancy, 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol 1,25-OH 2D is the active form of vitamin D 1. Vitamin D is involved in the mineralization of bones 35 and therefore reduces the risk of rickets and osteoporosis 7.35, but may also be involved in the prevention of cancer 11 and cardiovascular disease 41. Vitamin D status has also been associated with.

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